Do you know how to store your camera manual on your iPhone or iPad? And what about those wonderful photography and social media ebooks that you find online? You don’t want to haul around your laptop for a good read… So here’s how: First, download iBooks for your iPhone or iPad, from iTunes or the App Store. You’ll use this for reading. Next, download the manuals or PDFs that you want to read. I usually do this on my laptop. Store them in your Documents folder. (Hint: You’ll find your camera manual on the camera company website. Some companies won’t let you download it until you have registered the camera, which you can also do at the website.)
Now, if you have the new Mavericks OS on your Mac, all you have to do is to drag the PDF you downloaded onto the iBooks application that comes with Mavericks. It will automatically be added to the library. If you don’t have the new OS, all is not lost. Instead, you’ll need to open iTunes on your Mac. Go to File>Add to Library. Then navigate to the document that you want to store and select it. Depending on how you have your preferences set, you may also have to connect your iPhone or iPad to the Mac to update their iTunes Library. That’s it. Now you can access those files right on your portable devices when you open iBooks.
One more thing… when you buy an ebook directly on your iPad or iPhone, a pop-up screen will ask you if you want to open it with iBooks. Say yes. Then, when you sync your devices, the book will appear on all of them. A great way to build a photography reference library that is truly portable!
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