Have you discovered Macro mode on your iPhone? I think it’s a game-changer for closeup photography, so I thought I’d share some tips on how to use it. Can you use your...
DSLR vs iPhone! This can be a tough choice, especially if you love cameras. And, believe me, iPhones are cameras! But there’s one place where your DSLR (or mirrorless camera)...
Should you sell your DSLR and just shoot with an iPhone? People ask me this when they see me shooting with my iPhone. No, I won’t be selling! And you shouldn’t either....
Have you tried photographing toddlers? It can be a challenge, but with the right preparation and attitude, it’s possible to capture a studio-worthy portrait and create a lasting...
Are you looking for creative ways to use Aperture Mode to improve your photography? Here are three simple tips for practicing. They’ll give you more control of your camera...
These three practical reasons for using Aperture Mode on your camera will make you a faster photographer. They’re my secret to capturing moments as they happen instead of missing...